Section Info: DANCE-171GC-01

Course Title: Studies in Dance History: 'Dance in a Global Context'
Start Date: 09/04/2024 End Date: 12/17/2024
Term: Fall Semester 2024
Description: A study of the histories, cultures and lineages of African, Asian, Indigenous and Latin peoples, this course is a framework for understanding their influence on the American concert dance tradition. Specifically, this course examines the worlds of dancing and dancemaking as they intersect with cultural and gendered differences, geographic location, race, and ethnicity. Students will discuss issues and topics in global dance practices through readings by dance scholars and artists and the viewing of filmed media. Embodied material will enliven some class discussions.
Distribution(s): I - Humanities , MP - Multicultural Perspectives , TP - Topics Course
Academic Level Of Course: Undergraduate     Credits:4.00    

Faculty         Phone         Email address        
Mustapha Braimah     

Meeting Dates         Method         Meeting days         Meeting times         Building name         Room     Frequency    
09/04/2024 - 12/17/2024   Lecture   Tuesday and Thursday   10:30AM - 11:45AM   KEND - Kendall Hall/Sports Complex   130   Weekly
09/04/2024 - 12/17/2024   Lecture   Tuesday and Thursday   10:30AM - 11:45AM   KEND - Kendall Hall/Sports Complex   ST2   Weekly


Requisite Courses        

Additional Comments        
Course Tags        

Cross-listed Sections        

Course Availability
Section status: Open     Capacity: 18     Enrollment: 16     Available: 2     Waitlist: 0


Book List         Required         Publisher Full Price        
To be determined.                    

Additional Book Comments        
This is NOT the complete book list for this class.