Section Info: ARTH-290RC-01

Course Title: Issues in Art History: 'Medieval Architecture'
Start Date: 09/04/2024 End Date: 12/17/2024
Term: Fall Semester 2024
Description: To step inside a medieval cathedral is still a profound experience. Nowadays, their majestic heights and elegant forms are objects of quiet contemplation. Yet medieval buildings were seldom still or silent, and their audiences were rarely disinterested observers. This course surveys the architecture of Europe and the Mediterranean between the fourth and the fifteenth centuries. Together, we will explore the development of the distinctive forms of medieval architecture in both the East and the West -- from churches and monasteries to mosques, synagogues, cities, and palaces -- and how these spaces were activated in contexts of ritual, liturgy, and performance.
Distribution(s): I - Humanities , MP - Multicultural Perspectives , TP - Topics Course
Academic Level Of Course: Undergraduate     Credits:4.00    

Faculty         Phone         Email address        
Samuel Barber     

Meeting Dates         Method         Meeting days         Meeting times         Building name         Room     Frequency    
09/04/2024 - 12/17/2024   Lecture   Monday and Wednesday   11:30AM - 12:45PM   ART - Art   220   Weekly


Requisite Courses        

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Cross-listed Sections        

Course Availability
Section status: Waitlisted     Capacity: 28     Enrollment: 28     Available: 0     Waitlist: 3
Please note: The "Available" count will equal 0 in a Waitlisted course where spaces in the course have recently opened and students have not yet been moved into them from the waitlist.


Book List         Required         Publisher Full Price        
No book purchases are required/recommended for this class.                    

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