Section Info: DANCE-107-01

Course Title: Introduction to Ballet and Modern
Start Date: 01/23/2024 End Date: 05/07/2024
Term: Spring Semester 2024
Description: This course is an introduction to the basic principles of ballet and modern dance. Students will learn and practice common forms, pathways, and footwork in both styles. The class will focus on momentum, weight shift, and dynamic alignment.
Distribution(s): PE - Physical Education
Academic Level Of Course: Undergraduate     Credits:2.00    

Faculty         Phone         Email address        
Eleanor Goudie-Averill     

Meeting Dates         Method         Meeting days         Meeting times         Building name         Room     Frequency    
01/23/2024 - 05/07/2024   Performance   Tuesday and Thursday   01:45PM - 03:00PM   KEND - Kendall Hall/Sports Complex   ST3   Weekly


Requisite Courses        

Additional Comments        
Repeatable for credit.  
Course Tags        
1-2CR0001   1-2CR: One and two credit undergraduate courses            

Cross-listed Sections        

Course Availability
Section status: Open     Capacity: 18     Enrollment: 17     Available: 1     Waitlist: 0


Book List         Required         Publisher Full Price        
To be determined.                    

Additional Book Comments        
This is NOT the complete book list for this class.